
Principal Investigator

Prof. Minho Lee 

E-mail: , Tel: +82-31-961-5138

Education & Academic Positions


Other activities

Research Professor 

Dongchan Yang 

B.S. 2008.03-2012.08 Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

M.S. 2012.09-2014.02 Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

Ph.D. 2014.03-2022.02 Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea

Research interest : Deep learning, single cell multi-omics


Hyunhwa Cho

Graduate students

Yoon, Hyeon Jun

Ph.D. Integrated Program., Dept. of Life Science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

Jeong, Suk In

Ph.D. Program., Dept. of Life Science, Dongguk univ.

M.S., Dept. of Biomedical Science, CHA univ.

B.S., Dept. of Food Engineering, Gyeongsang National univ. 

Lim, Chae Young

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Biomedical Science, CHA univ.

Song, Woo Hyun

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Bioinformatics, Myongji univ.

Kim, Seong Joo

M.S., Dept. of Industrial Pharmacy, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Molecular bioscience, Chemical engineering, Kangwon univ.

Kim, Se Hyeon

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of  Microbiology, Dankook univ, Cheonan Campus

Jeong, Hyung Gi

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

Lee, Seung Ho

 M.S., Dept. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Life science, Software Convergence, Dongguk univ. 

Undergraduate students

Joo, AReum Chan

B.S., Dept. of Life Science, Dongguk univ.

Jang, Yeo Ryeong

B.S., Dept. of Life Science, Dongguk univ.

Kim, Dong Ho

B.S., Dept. of Life Science, Biological Information Software Convergence, Dongguk univ.


M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Konkuk univ. 

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

 B.S., Dept. of Life science, Biological Information Software Convergence, Dongguk univ. 

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Life Science, Sahmyook univ. 

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Life Science, Biological Information Software Convergence, Dongguk univ.

M.S., Dept. of Industrial Pharmacy, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Pharmaceutical Thechnology of Bio, Dongguk univ. Gyeongju 

M.S., Dept. of Industrial Pharmacy, Dongguk univ.

 B.S., Dept. of Food science & Bio technology, Dongguk univ. 

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Medical Biotechnology, Dongguk univ.

M.S., Dept. of Industrial Pharmacy, Dongguk univ.

M.S., Dept. of Industrial Pharmacy, Dongguk univ.

M.S., Dept. of Industrial Pharmacy, Dongguk univ.

B.E., Dept. of Textile & Engineering, Kyungpook National University

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Life Science, Biological Information Software Convergence, Dongguk univ.

M.S., Dept. of Life Science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Life Science,  Dongguk univ.

B.E., Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Dongguk univ.

M.S., Dept. of Life science, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Life Science, Biological Information Software Convergence, Dongguk univ.

Koh, You Kyung

M.S., Dept. of Industrial Pharmacy, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Applied Biochemistry, Konkuk Univ. Glocal Campus 

Kim, Hye Won

M.S., Dept. of Industrial Pharmacy, Dongguk univ.

B.S., Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Konkuk Univ. Glocal Campus